Welcome to the Flathead Valley Web Works service information page. We are the premier providers of web hosting and design. Our goal is to provide you the very best in products and customer service to serve both you, our clients, and therefore your clients.
Our quality control standards are high. Our technicians and designers are among the best. Our goal is always to deliver a quality product in a safe environment. Your satisfaction is of paramount importance.
Below is a list of the services we offer:
- Website Development
We do not charge a, per page rate or an hourly rate. We charge a flat rate based on the needs that you have indicated in your correspondence with us. This includes style design, scanning and input. You can expect to have your site done within 6 weeks of getting all information to us.
- Hosting
Many factors can influence the cost of hosting. Such as whether or not you have a domain name or are hosting as a sub-domain. Do you require the ability to take credit cards online and therefore need a secure server?
- Additional Software and Custom Programming
Please contact us for a quote if you need any additional software such as a "shopping cart" or custom programming.
- E-Commerce
We offer a shopping cart with a live online administration interface. We can set it up for you and then you can take it from there.
- Promotion
We will submit any website we develop to the FREE search engines.
- POP3/IMAP Email Accounts
All POP3/IMAP Email accounts have a 200meg limit.
-------------- April 24, 2005---------- As a new security feature we now require that you enable server authentication before you can send email.
I can tell you that in Outlook Express it is very easy: >Tools >Accounts >Select the email account and click on Properties >Server tab >Under Outgoing Mail Server >check "My server requires authentication" ---------- If your Incoming Server says mail.yourdomainname.com (replace with your actual domain name) and your outgoing server says mail.yourdomainname.com (replace with your actual domain name)
then you are done. Just hit the apply button and then close.
If you are using some email filtering program (such as Choice Mail) and it has changed your Incoming and Outgoing servers to say something else then you will need to click on the "Settings" button, click on the "Log on using" radio button and enter your email username and password into their boxes click on the OK and then the Apply and then Close and you should be set to go. ----------------------
- Spam Filtering
We do our best to get rid of a large number of spammers but true Spam filtering is available for your POP3 email account through the purchase of spam filtering software. Click here to read more...

- WebMail
Great for those that do not want to bother installing and configuring email client software. WebMail is also great because it makes it so easy to check your email when traveling. You can quickly do it from any computer with Internet access. If you have an account with us you can click on the link below the navigation bar.
We offer Signed Security Certificates for just $15.00 per year plus $3.95 per month for a dedicated IP address, which is required for a secure certificate with us.
- Cgi-bin
The Common Gateway Interface is server side scripting support. The scripts placed to cgi-bin directory and execute with site administrator user rights.
PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly.
- My SQL
Is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL database server.
- PostgreSQL
A sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere.
SSI (Server Side Includes) are directives that are placed in HTML pages, and evaluated on the server while the pages are being served.
- Webalizer log file analysis pre-installed with hosting accounts.
- Graphic Design and Photography
We have experience in advertising layout as well as large brochure and catalog layout and product photography. If we can help you please don’t hesitate to contact us with your needs and let us give you a quote.
- Server Information:
Network: 2,5 Gbit/sec to Viking network Data center guarded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Electricity supply guaranteed by a redundant UPS system and by an equally redundant diesel generator. Multiple-level fire detection and protection system. Powerful air conditioning. Backups
For more information or to schedule a free estimate or personal interview, please contact us either via email at:[ fvww @ flatheadvalley.com ] (copy and paste into the address field of an email, it is not a hot link, and then just remove the spaces) or you may also call us at 406-752-8677 from 9am to 6pm Mountain time.
Please take a moment to read over our ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY
We look forward to serving you.